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August 2008
Objective Capital is a highly respected provider of corporate research based in London, The Company commissioned Objective Capital to prepare an independent assessment of the Competent Person Report and other corporate information and documentation.
Investment Note on Itinerant Resources by Objective Capital, London
Objective Capital is a dedicated corporate research firm providing institutional - quality research on under - followed small and mid cap companies.
Its focus is to provide widely distributed research coverage of their sponsored companies. The high standards of objectivity, the quality of analysts and sophisticated in - depth analysis ensures research is a credible resource that investors can rely on for ongoing insight into Objective Capital's enrolled companies.
Itinerant Resources commissioned Objective Capital to review the Competent Persons Report and other corporate information and documents. The Investment Note provides an independent assessment of the company's potential within certain operating parameters. It is an important document when presenting an investment case to prospective high level investors and lead advisers.